Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Whats Eating me

So I have attempted to start blogging many times and just quit before I say anything important or earth shattering.  Usually I dont like the format or lose the url.  I obviously need more outlets to moan and complain and poor me my life.  Since I am sure the people in real life do not want to hear it, I will unleash my negativity on the cyber-world.  If people don't want to read they can click on to someones monthly what I am thankful for list.  While I find these wonderful and uplifting to read (and I do read my friends)  My family would laugh if I tried to do one because it would be I am thankful for my kids...blah blah and their ability to speak...So that they may scream and fight and yell I hate you at each other.  See mine would be like a backhanded compliment.  While I do truly consider myself blessed to have my healthy Kids and a husband who is faithful and hard working I feel these things go without saying and I need to express myself in other ways so I don't rage at someone and shoot them ( don't worry it would be a stranger not my lovely family) So beware this blog will not uplift you and give you meaningful things to ponder but it could make you laugh, if it annoys you move on to the next happy blog :)

So why the title Saving Earth one meal at a time.  Because I truly believe in a direct correlation between the consumption of animals and animal products and the depletion of earths resources.  Just do a little Google research on this (your on the computer anyway wasting time) and you will see this is correct.  So The more animal free products I can incorporate into my family's life, the more I feel we are doing our part.  Do I still drive a huge gas guzzling Suburban why yes I do.  Ive gotta pick my battles people, I pick animals as mine.  it is a struggle everyday to figure out what to feed my family.  I try very hard to not eat any animal products.  I have issues with lactose anyway so that isn't hard and just imagining rotting flesh in my body will make me not want to eat at all.   Although I do often crave BDUBS.  My family on the other hand LOVES their rotten flesh and cheeses and milk.  Although I do have 1 child with Lactose issues so in an show of solidarity for the middle child we abstain from Milk and drink almond milk and eat soy ice cream at home.  I just have a hard time cooking for us all because I want to exclude the meat and this is what they all crave and expect.  I am gradually sneaking things into their food and they so far haven't complained...example veggie protein in the place of meat in chili and spaghetti sauces.  Soy chicken nuggets when the kids want something processed and the new rule that they only have to finish their veggies never their meat or breads.  So this is a daily struggle I will be complaining about quite often.  Feel free to offer suggestions.

So far today i have been annoyance free so I don't have a fun story but stay tuned it is only noon this cant last all day :)

Disclaimer:  No offense to any friends that write great blogs about all the great things in their life I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading them don't stop, It just wouldn't be me to write that way keep up the great work.

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