Wednesday, February 23, 2011

AAAHHH Technology

So I reluctantly took a HUGE leap last week.  I went from swearing up and down Verizon was not getting any extra money a month from me so I would not get a smartphone and especially not an iPhone.

This all started in January when my little LG Voyager that I love so well started to act up.  I decided we were already paying to much so I started to look at other companies.  We have no home phone so our cell phones are very important to us.  Well I asked on Facebook I asked all my friends.  I had one friend bring me her consumer reports on cell phones and plans.  This was all consuming and becoming a full time job.  Verizon started their teaser emails telling me I could be one of the first people to have an iPhone.  I was not biting, I already pay them a hefty sum every month NO WAY were they getting an additional 30 for a data plan.  Would I use it YES.  Did I need it NO!

So in going back and fourth looking at companies one day husband says do we really need 2500 minutes??  Me: I dont know what do we use?  Well our teenage son used 2 minutes last month!  2 (although he did use over 5000 texts) good thing thats unlimited.  I used like 300 and husband used 300.  He looked at the past year and saw that to be pretty average.  Why were we paying for all those minutes.  He figured if he dropped the plan down he could save about 30$ a month...Hmmm enough for a data plan.

So into Verizon I go.  Still not knowing what I am going to get.  Im looking at the droid at blackberry's and just plain phones.  I finally mention iPhone and am taken over to a device that feels as familiar to me as my kids.  I have a classic iPod 2 nanos we have an i pad and I am a MAC user.  I really didnt have to look any further.  It was always there in my mind I was meant to be with my iPhone.

It is amazing to me as i pods were when they first came out.  There seems to be no limit to what I can do on the phone I am totally in LOVE with it.   I can scan prescription medication and send the info to walgreens for a refill!  Come on how cool is that.   I love living in this day and age when TV's are flat and I can carry my whole life in one little package.  God Bless Technology...LOL

Did I mention the plethora of Vegetarian Apps I have!!!

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