Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Time to trade myself in

So I haven't blogged in a while because I like to live by the phrase if you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.  So I have not shared my frustrations about my back and downright depressing complications I have on an almost daily basis.

I got back to driving last week just in time to go to the dermatologist.  She wanted to take a bigger biopsy of a mole she removed in February.  So I drive there, stupid back hurting the whole way.  I have my biopsy and go home.  I didn't even think about it again until my phone rang Monday morning and I answered and it was the actual DR.  So of course I knew something was up.  She said "we got the results of your biopsy and it isn't good, it is melanoma and it is stage 2"  So as that is sinking in she makes plans to come in on her vacation to remove it. So I am going today to have it removed.  I am however thankful that it was caught early and if I have to have cancer it is one of the most survivable and curable.  I do know that I am lucky to have found a wonderful doctor.

I know everything happens for a reason but this right now is just a little much!  I know I will get through this just as I have gotten through everything else in this challenging year.  I actually look forward to the end of 2011 cause 2012 HAS to be better for me.

So lesson learned here...ALWAYS wear sunscreen and avoid the sun when you can.  My melanoma is in a spot that doesn't get a ton of sun but it doesn't hurt to be cautious....

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